„Inspiration needs nourishment to live“

Where do I get
my inspiration


A question I get a lot, is where do I get my inspiration from?

This is a question which is both easy and difficult to answer. I get my inspiration from a lot of things, but it does not necessarily mean, that I get inspired all the time when I do these things.

One of the places where I can leave the daily life behind, is at Botti’s Kräutergärtnerei. The peace and calmth of this place combined with hundreds of different herbs makes my motors spin.
Driving through the beautiful nature here in Switzerland on my Harley is a moment where I can let go off all the daily fuzz and let my mind go free.
My mind works best, when I am completely relaxed or without distractions. Best way to achieve that state of mind, is after intensive activities like skiing, wakebaording or even kitesurfing. It therefore happens a lot, that I get many inspirations when I am on holidays.